Pandemic and March 24 in Argentina. Emerging visualities of online and offline activism (2020-2021)

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Melina Jean Jean
María Emilia Nieto
Verónica Capasso


March 24 in Argentina is a date on which marches and events led by human rights organizations are held throughout the country in commemoration of the victims of the last civic-military dictatorship that began in 1976. However, during the years 2020 and 2021 this date was marked by various constraints given the Covid-19. In the context of ASPO and DISPO, what memories were activated and circulated those days? What supports and tools were essential? How were those visual landscapes of memory? How did offline activism and online activism come together? These are some of the questions that will be unraveled throughout the text. From the analysis, a (re) configuration is observed in the ways of making collective memory that implied new challenges in its defense/dispute and transmission. There was also a renewal of visual strategies from materialities and forms and modes from circulation, at the same time that voices and struggles of the present were added that revived the meaning of memory works to make current problems visible and expand rights that consolidate democracy.


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Jean Jean, M., Nieto, M. E., & Capasso, V. (2021). Pandemic and March 24 in Argentina. Emerging visualities of online and offline activism (2020-2021). Aletheia, 11(22), e094.
Prácticas artístico-culturales


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