50 years after the coup: reflections on the revolution and recent history from feminist militancy

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María Graciela Acuña
Ana López Dietz


The interview with Mafalda Galdames is presented, an activist and militant with a long career in the women's and feminist movement, as well as in the Socialist Party in her youth, whose life spans from the years prior to Popular Unity, as a young student. high school. ; going through the government of Salvador Allende, in which she had a strong commitment to the social and political changes that she undertook. The Chilean civic-military dictatorship led her, like thousands of others, into exile in Mexico, where she came closer to feminism, from which she redefined her interests and political practice. In the context of the 50th anniversary of the commemoration of the coup in Chile, and the rise of denialist policies, Mafalda's life story allows us to reflect on issues such as political commitment, militancy, feminism, resistance and defeat.


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How to Cite
Acuña, M. G., & López Dietz, A. (2023). 50 years after the coup: reflections on the revolution and recent history from feminist militancy. Aletheia, 13(26), e160. https://doi.org/10.24215/18533701e160
Dosier: A 50 años de 1973. Argentina, Chile y Uruguay


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